Part-1 Video classes for free
Click the below button for part 1 free video classes. Thank me later👇👇
part 1 video classes I just uploaded before uploading notes. These videos helping to many students. who preparing part 1 will use this opportunity. and I apologize to I can't upload part 1 notes now. don't worry students after February I upload part 1 notes, MCQ, tests, and pdf. so who prepare part 2 now, you just visit daily my website I will upload many contents in part 2. and I uploading daily many notes and important topics.
who preparing part 1 join my telegram channel CMA_US4. we uploaded many contents to our telegram group. and many students joined our group to discuss part 1 and prepare part 1. so it was very useful. I just suggested this, if you are interested you can join our group for study purposes.
and we have an Instagram page also, we notify all content on our Instagram page. so you can follow our Instagram page for study purposes. support our community, and we support you back with more power. and share with your friends our community like our website, telegram channel, Instagram page, Twitter, and more social media pages. we plan to launch our app soon, what is your opinion please comment with your feedback. and how useful this site is to you please comment your feedback in the comment section.
and we uploaded more posts about part 2 sections and topics. and we added mock test software also in our site for part 2. check our website for CMA USA content. it's very useful for you, and all contents are free for you. who struggling to study CMA USA without material, without notes, without question practice software, we dedicated this site to like this student.
and any students think drop CMA US for no material and no classes. don't worry normally institutions provided all materials notes and videos on our website, so don't worry to study notes and others, you can use freely our website anytime. this website for you, and thank me later.