CMA USA Part2 Section-C decision analysis step-2 marginal analysis

 CMA USA Part2 section-C

Decision analysis:

Step-2. marginal analysis:

1.      Sunk cost :

It is also called historical cost or past cost.

It is the cost that is already paid or spent end that Is not relevant in decision making.

2.      Avoidable cost:

It is a cost that can be avoided if a particular alternative is selected.

It is relevant in decision-making.

3.      Unavoidable cost:

It is a cost that cannot be avoidable if a particular alternative is selected.

It is not relevant in decision-making.

4.      Economic cost:

Economic cost = explicit cost + implicit cost

5.      Explicit cost :

it is also called out-of-pocket cost

It involves cash payment and its record on accounting books.

Example: salary paid, rent paid, etc.

It is also relevant.

6.      Implicit cost/ imputed cost :

It does not involve any cash payment and is not recorded on accounting books

Example: opportunity cost

It is relevant in decision-making.

7.      Opportunity cost :

It is the next best alternative that is given up

It is relevant in decision making

It is a contribution to income that is gone by not using limited resources for its best alternative use.

Note: the relevance of a particular cost to a decision is determined by the potential effect on decision-making.

8.      Discreationary  cost:

It is the cost that can be spent at the discretion of management.

Eg: advertisement cost, employee training cost, and research and development cost, etc.

9.      Marginal cost/ additional/ incremental :

It is an additional cost to produce additional units.

10.   Marginal revenue:

It is additional revenue from the selling of additional units.

11.   Marginal profit:

Marginal profit= marginal revenue- marginal cost


Marginal revenue$100

Marginal cost $30

=Marginal profit= $70

12.   Total cost :

Total cost = total fixed cost+ total variable cost

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